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Infidelity Investigations in New York City | Private Detective NY

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Do you think your spouse is having an affair, or have you unearthed evidence of cheating? Infidelity is one of the main reasons for divorce, and it can go unnoticed for years unless you're careful. All of us entered a relationship that showed signs of security and warmth, but there are common signs of infidelity you can look for if you're suspecting marital infidelity. 

The majority of relationship specialists concur that a partner's behavior is likely to change if they are unfaithful. Even though nothing else may have changed, catching signs of a cheating spouse is a good starting point to hire a professional private investigator and start a cheating spouse investigation. 

These details alone doesn't mean that your significant other is being unfaithful. However, an investigation may provide you with peace of mind knowing that your spouse is moody for some reason and not having an affair. Then again, things may go the other way, and you can end up at the Court of Law discussing a divorce settlement and child custody. 

How Do Private Investigators Prove Infidelity?

Hiring private infidelity investigators isn't as uncommon as people think, and when red flags start popping up, spouses usually seek out expert counsel to determine whether their suspicions are true and they're dealing with cheaters. That's why the best private investigators usually collect verifiable proof from various sources. 

This can include social media espionage looking for interactions between different accounts, GPS tracking, in-person surveillance, digital forensics, and looking for money trails like suspicious credit card activity and hidden assets and bank accounts a cheating spouse might hold in their possession. 

What Legally Counts As Infidelity?

Marital infidelity, or an affair, is when two people have a physical or emotional bond without the knowledge of either of the individual's partners, despite how romantic, intense, or profound that bond might be. 

Different states have different laws regarding marital infidelity, but most of them concur that both physical and emotional affairs are valid, including the use of social media or cyberspace to facilitate an affair. In most cases, marital infidelity is legally defined as the voluntary relationship between a married individual and someone who isn't the individual's married partner, without the partner knowing. 

In fact, you may get your cheating spouse in legal trouble for being dishonest or engaging in marital adultery. Many states still maintain "adultery laws," according to which anyone found having sex with someone other than their husband or wife may face legal repercussions.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Private Investigator for a Cheating Spouse?

Most investigators charge their private investigation services on a potentially unfaithful spouse, which may also include incidental expenses associated with infidelity cases, such as travel, hotel fees, court appearances, tolls, and administrative costs. Here are the two most common ways investigators charge their services: 

  • Hourly rates — The hourly charge varies depending on your location and the investigator, but it often ranges from $40 to $120. If you employ an investigator for a significant number of hours, the majority will lower their hourly rate. This is crucial because investigations, including surveillance, can take some time. Make sure the investigator you choose offers this kind of discounted fee.

  • Retainers — In reality, a retainer is only a down payment for the labor of an investigator. Depending on your needs and the investigator's policies, they can range from $1,000 to $5,000. Remember that some detectives will bill you from your retainer and reimburse you for any services not rendered. Some investigators will want a retainer from you and keep the full sum regardless of whether they use it all.

Is It Worth It to Hire a Private Investigator for Infidelity?

This depends on your circumstances, but choosing a trustworthy agency with plenty of experience is always a good idea. An expert private investigator should explain their value to your case during a free consultation and provide a ballpark price. 

However, even in the best-case scenario, adultery investigations are challenging. Loss of objectivity and sound judgment can be the outcome of the overpowering and damaging effects of betrayal, remorse, and doubt. 

Anyone who suspects they may be the subject of adultery can hire a skilled private investigator to find the truth in an impartial and unbiased way. A trained infidelity private investigator can carry out covert monitoring and compile data that can be used to demonstrate infidelity. Hiring a PI is the best way to either gather evidence and make an informed decision about divorce proceedings or to remove suspicion from your spouse. 


Being cheated on is a terrible thing, and the least you can do is try to protect yourself in case you suspect something. Hiring an experienced PI company, such as CPI Investigations, ensures that you've gathered all the sensitive information legally, in a way which can be presented in court. To learn more about our infidelity investigation services, please contact CPI Investigations, and schedule a free consultation.

Alex Bank